Undergraduate project office

The completion of the undergraduate thesis is not only considered as an educational requirement for fulfilling the academic credits of this program, but also serves as a process for enhancing the proficiency of students in conducting independent research activities and demonstrating their scholarly and research capabilities. The selection of the thesis topic should be based on the student’s sufficient understanding of their own interests, especially in fields that have multiple orientations. In this regard, the student’s familiarity with the faculty members’ activities and consulting with them can be helpful. The chosen topic for the undergraduate project should be novel, practical, and achievable within the given timeframe, and the student should make maximum efforts in both executing the thesis topic and writing it in a satisfactory manner. Considering that at the Faculty of Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering at the University of Science and Technology of Iran, the defense session for the undergraduate thesis is held similar to postgraduate studies, students will also improve their presentation and argumentation skills alongside their research and writing skills.

Director of Undergraduate Project Office

مراحل پروژه پایانی کارشناسی

Supervisor Selection


Taking “Commercialization and Entrepreneurship” Workshop


Taking “Project Phase-Zero” Course


First Progress Report


Second Progress Report


Taking Final Project


Defence Time Specification


Approval of Project for Defence


Project Final Defence


Project Report Correction


مراحل دفاع فاز صفر 

Completing the zero-phase defense form
Completing the form after completing the zero-phase course

Automatic notification to the supervisors and students
Receiving an email immediately after submitting the formzero-phase course

Confirmation of the information registered by the supervisor

Informing the project coordinator

Determining the defense schedule by the administration

Informing about the defense time through the faculty website

Conducting an oral defense on the LMS platform

Assigning an examiner and recording the zero-phase grade by the project coordinator

Completion of the zero-phase defense process  

فرم های مربوط به پروژه کارشناسی

Online form for reserving a supervisor

Online form for the first progress report

Online form for the second progress report

Online form for presenting the zero-phase

قطب تحقیقاتی کاتالیست و نانو مواد (CNMRL)

Online form for changing the supervisor

Online form for changing the title of the zero-phase

Online form for thesis defense

آیین نامه های پروژه کارشناسی


Regulations related to the final project


Guidelines for writing Bachelor’s theses


Template for writing Bachelor’s theses


Stages of conducting the zero-phase and final projects


Guide to completing the final defense form


Stages of conducting settlement affairs
